Composition #1: STIRPE, F., BARBIERI, L., ABBONDANZA, A., FALASCA, AI., BROWN, ANF., SANDVIG, K., OLSNES, S., PIHL, A. PROPERTIES OF VOLKENSIN, A TOXIC LECTIN FROM ADENIA-VOLKENSII. journal of biological chemistry, 1985, vol. 260, no. 27, p. 4589–4595. .
Plant part:
Live plants (as part-nature) (A0BA0)
Extraction/Preparation method:
Solvent extraction (A0BZR)
Additional extraction description:
extracted from roots and seeds
Lectins (RF-00000439-ORG)
Additional substance description:
Analytical method code:
Electrophoretical tests (F070A)
Yes/No Qualitative:
Positive/Present (POS)
Result type:
Qualitative Value (Binary) (BIN)
Internal remarks:
Volkensin in roots and seeds