Composition #1: TIDWELL, RH., BEAL, JL., PATEL, DG., TYE, A., PATIL, PN. A STUDY OF CYANOGENETIC CONTENT AND TOXICITY OF FRUIT OF SELECTED SPECIES OF COTONEASTER . economic botany, 1970, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 47–&. DOI: 10.1007/BF02860634.
[DOI link]
English (en)
Plant part:
Aerial part of plants (as part-nature) (A166F)
Additional extraction description:
Cyanogenic glycosides (RF-00004375-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Phytochemical screening (F604A)
Analytical method - additional description:
Guignard Miranda test also known as the sodium pierate test.