Scopolia carniolica Jacq.

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#1: Scopine in underground parts #2: Atropine in underground parts #3: Scopolamine in underground parts #4: Tropine in underground parts #5: Hyoscine N-oxide in plants #6: Hyoscyamine N-oxides in plants #7: Scopolin in roots #8: Scopoletin in roots #9: Calystegines in roots, leaves, and flowers
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Bendik, I., Bauerova, O., Bauer, S., Mokry, J., Tomko, J. Alkaloids from Scopolia carniolica. chemicke zvesti, 1958, vol. 12, p. 181–4. .
Composition #2: Bendik, I., Bauerova, O., Bauer, S., Mokry, J., Tomko, J. Alkaloids from Scopolia carniolica. chemicke zvesti, 1958, vol. 12, p. 181–4. .
Composition #3: Bendik, I., Bauerova, O., Bauer, S., Mokry, J., Tomko, J. Alkaloids from Scopolia carniolica. chemicke zvesti, 1958, vol. 12, p. 181–4. .
Composition #4: Bendik, I., Bauerova, O., Bauer, S., Mokry, J., Tomko, J. Alkaloids from Scopolia carniolica. chemicke zvesti, 1958, vol. 12, p. 181–4. .
Composition #5: Phillipson, J. David., Handa, S. S. N-oxides of hyoscyamine and hyoscine in the Solanaceae. phytochemistry (elsevier), 1975, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 999–1003. .
Composition #6: Phillipson, J. David., Handa, S. S. N-oxides of hyoscyamine and hyoscine in the Solanaceae. phytochemistry (elsevier), 1975, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 999–1003. .
Composition #7: Rollinger, JM., Hornick, A., Langer, T., Stuppner, H., Prast, H. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of scopolin and scopoletin discovered by virtual screening of natural products . journal of medicinal chemistry, 2004, vol. 47, no. 25, p. 6248–6254. DOI: 10.1021/jm049655r. [DOI link]
Composition #8: Rollinger, JM., Hornick, A., Langer, T., Stuppner, H., Prast, H. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of scopolin and scopoletin discovered by virtual screening of natural products . journal of medicinal chemistry, 2004, vol. 47, no. 25, p. 6248–6254. DOI: 10.1021/jm049655r. [DOI link]
Composition #9: Drager, B., vanAlmsick, A., Mrachatz, G. Distribution of calystegines in several Solanaceae. planta medica, 1995, vol. 61, no. 6, p. 577–579. DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-959381. [DOI link]