Ruscus aculeatus L.

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#1: neoruscogenin in unspecified plant part #2: ruscogenin in unspecified plant part #3: #4: #5: Ruscussaponins in roots #6: ruscogenin - root #7: ruscogenin - aerial parts #8: saponins - spirostanol derivates in rhizoms #9: Esculin in rhizomes #10: saponins in rhizomes
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Burn, D., Ellis, B., Petrow, V. Structure of ruscogenin. journal of the chemical society, 1958, p. 795–9. .
Composition #2: Burn, D., Ellis, B., Petrow, V. Structure of ruscogenin. journal of the chemical society, 1958, p. 795–9. .
Composition #3: Robert, Jean., Vaupre, Roger., Poiget, Gilbert. The constitution of neoruscogenin. compt. rend., 1960, vol. 250, p. 3187–9. .
Composition #4: Robert, Jean., Vaupre, Roger., Poiget, Gilbert. The constitution of neoruscogenin. compt. rend., 1960, vol. 250, p. 3187–9. .
Composition #5: Walthelm, U., Dittrich, K., Gelbrich, G., Schopke, T. Effects of saponins on the water solubility of different model compounds. planta medica, 2001, vol. 67, no. 1, p. 49–54. DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-10876. [DOI link]
Composition #6: Guevenc, A., Satir, E., Coskun, M. Determination of ruscogenin in Turkish Ruscus l. species by UPLC. chromatographia, 2007, vol. 66, p. S141–S145. DOI: 10.1365/s10337-007-0351-2. [DOI link]
Composition #7: Guevenc, A., Satir, E., Coskun, M. Determination of ruscogenin in Turkish Ruscus l. species by UPLC. chromatographia, 2007, vol. 66, p. S141–S145. DOI: 10.1365/s10337-007-0351-2. [DOI link]
Composition #8: Barbic, M., Willer, E. A., Rothenhoefer, M., Heilmann, J., Fuerst, R., Juergenliemk, G. Spirostanol saponins and esculin from Rusci rhizoma reduce the thrombin-induced hyperpermeability of endothelial cells . phytochemistry, 2013, vol. 90, p. 106–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2013.02.004. [DOI link]
Composition #9: Barbic, M., Willer, E. A., Rothenhoefer, M., Heilmann, J., Fuerst, R., Juergenliemk, G. Spirostanol saponins and esculin from Rusci rhizoma reduce the thrombin-induced hyperpermeability of endothelial cells . phytochemistry, 2013, vol. 90, p. 106–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2013.02.004. [DOI link]
Composition #10: Barbic, M., Willer, E. A., Rothenhoefer, M., Heilmann, J., Fuerst, R., Juergenliemk, G. Spirostanol saponins and esculin from Rusci rhizoma reduce the thrombin-induced hyperpermeability of endothelial cells . phytochemistry, 2013, vol. 90, p. 106–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2013.02.004. [DOI link]