Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir.

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#1: isoflavones (angolensin, pseudobaptigenin, acetylpseudobaptigenin, methylpseudobabtigenin) in heartwood #2: alkaloids in roots #3: alkaloids in bark #4: phytic acids in leaves #5: saponins in leaves #6: oxalates in leaves
Endpoint Studies
#1: Shorter bleeding time after dosing of rats with ethanol extract of stem bark #2: Changes in haematology in goats fed the leaves as their sole feed for 84 days.
Composition #1: Bevan, C. W. L., Ekong, D. E. U., Obasi, M. E., Powell, J. W. West African timbers. XIII. Extracts from the heartwood of Amphimas pterocarpoides and Pterocarpus erinaceus. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1966, vol. (5), p. 509–10. .
Composition #2: China, Tiropa Francis Chabi., Gbangboche, Bienvenu Armand., Attindehou, Sabbas., Olounlade, Abiodoun Pascal. Chemical components of main used herbal remedies in somba cattle health care in the northern Benin. world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, 2016, vol. 5, no. 5, p. 175–184. .
Composition #3: China, Tiropa Francis Chabi., Gbangboche, Bienvenu Armand., Attindehou, Sabbas., Olounlade, Abiodoun Pascal. Chemical components of main used herbal remedies in somba cattle health care in the northern Benin. world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, 2016, vol. 5, no. 5, p. 175–184. .
Composition #4: Okunade, S.A., Isah, O.A., Aderinboye, R.Y., Olafadehan, O.A. Assessment of chemical composition and in vitro degradation profile of some Guinea Savannah browse plants of Nigeria. tropical and subtropical agroecosystems, 2014, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 529–538. .
Composition #5: Okunade, S.A., Isah, O.A., Aderinboye, R.Y., Olafadehan, O.A. Assessment of chemical composition and in vitro degradation profile of some Guinea Savannah browse plants of Nigeria. tropical and subtropical agroecosystems, 2014, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 529–538. .
Composition #6: Okunade, S.A., Isah, O.A., Aderinboye, R.Y., Olafadehan, O.A. Assessment of chemical composition and in vitro degradation profile of some Guinea Savannah browse plants of Nigeria. tropical and subtropical agroecosystems, 2014, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 529–538. .
Endpoint study #1: Salawu, O. A., Aliyu, M., Tijani, A. Y. Haematological studies on the ethanolic stem bark extract of Pterocarpus erinaceus poir (fabaceae) . african journal of biotechnology, 2008, vol. 7, no. 9, p. 1212–1215. .
Endpoint study #2: Olafadehan, Olurotimi A. Changes in haematological and biochemical diagnostic parameters of Red Sokoto goats fed tannin-rich Pterocarpus erinaceus forage diets . veterinarski arhiv, 2011, vol. 81, no. 4, p. 471–483. .