Ocimum carnosum (Spreng.) Link & Otto ex Benth. // Ocimum selloi Benth.

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#1: estragole #2: eugenol #3: estragole #4: methyleugenol #5: estragole #6: estragol #7: estragol #8: estragole - flower - essentail oil #9: estragole - leaves - essentail oil #10: methyleugenol - flower - essentail oil #11: methyleugenol - leaves - essentail oil
Endpoint Studies
#1: Deaths and toxicity symptoms (e.g. hypoactivity, ataxia and lethargy) in mouse #2: case report on leaves ingestion: Six day-old newborn who presented cessation of breathing during body bath associated with hypersalivation and general hypotonia lasting about 2 minutes. Initial clinical presentation included hyporeactivity, hypotonia, bradycardia and hypothermia. neurotoxicity
Composition #1: Padilha de Paula, Josiane., Gomes-Carneiro, Maria Regina., Paumgartten, Francisco J. R. Chemical composition, toxicity and mosquito repellency of Ocimum selloi oil. . journal of ethnopharmacology, 2003, vol. 88, no. 2-3, p. 253–260. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-8741(03)00233-2. [DOI link]
Composition #2: de Paula, Josiane Padilha., Farago, Paulo V., Ribas, Joao Luiz C., Spinardi, Gisele Mara S., Doll, Patricia M., Artoni, Roberto F., Zawadzki, Sonia F. In vivo evaluation of the mutagenic potential of estragole and eugenol chemotypes of Ocimum selloi Benth. Essential oil . latin american journal of pharmacy, 2007, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 846–851. .
Composition #3: de Paula, Josiane Padilha., Farago, Paulo V., Ribas, Joao Luiz C., Spinardi, Gisele Mara S., Doll, Patricia M., Artoni, Roberto F., Zawadzki, Sonia F. In vivo evaluation of the mutagenic potential of estragole and eugenol chemotypes of Ocimum selloi Benth. Essential oil . latin american journal of pharmacy, 2007, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 846–851. .
Composition #4: Agostini, Fabiana., Atti dos Santos, Ana Cristina., Rossato, Marcelo., Pansera, Marcia Regina., dos Santos, Paula Luciana., Serafini, Luciana Atti., Molon, Rosangela., Moyna, Patrick. Essential Oil Yield and Composition of Lamiaceae Species Growing in Southern Brazil . brazilian archives of biology and technology, 2009, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 473–478. .
Composition #5: Costa, Larissa C. B., Pinto, Jose E. B. P., Castro, Evaristo M., Alves, Eduardo., Rosal, Louise F., Bertolucci, Suzan K. V., Alves, Pericles B., Evangelino, Tamara S. Yield and Composition of the Essential Oil of Ocimum selloi Benth. Cultivated Under Colored Netting . journal of essential oil research, 2010, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 34–39. .
Composition #6: Aparecida Salgado de Morais, L., Ming, Lin Chau., Ortiz Mayo Marques, M., Almeida Meireles, M. A., Mathe, A., Barata, AM., Carlen, C., Craker, L. Yield and Phytochemical Characterization of Essential Oil from Ocimum selloi B. Obtained by Hydrodistillation and Supercritical Fluid Extraction . xxviii international horticultural congress on science and horticulture for people (ihc2010): a new look at medicinal and aromatic plants seminar, 2011, vol. 925, p. 155–158. .
Composition #7: Facanali, Roselaine., Colombo, Carlos A., Teixeira, Joao P. F., Ming, Lin C., Zucchi, Maria I., Marques, Marcia O. M. Genetic and chemical diversity of native populations of Ocimum selloi Benth . industrial crops and products, 2015, vol. 76, p. 249–257. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.06.045. [DOI link]
Composition #8: Martins, ER., Casali, VWD., Barbosa, LCA., Carazza, F. Essential oil in the taxonomy of Ocimum selloi Benth. journal of the brazilian chemical society, 1997, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 29–32. .
Composition #9: Martins, ER., Casali, VWD., Barbosa, LCA., Carazza, F. Essential oil in the taxonomy of Ocimum selloi Benth. journal of the brazilian chemical society, 1997, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 29–32. .
Composition #10: Martins, ER., Casali, VWD., Barbosa, LCA., Carazza, F. Essential oil in the taxonomy of Ocimum selloi Benth. journal of the brazilian chemical society, 1997, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 29–32. .
Composition #11: Martins, ER., Casali, VWD., Barbosa, LCA., Carazza, F. Essential oil in the taxonomy of Ocimum selloi Benth. journal of the brazilian chemical society, 1997, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 29–32. .
Endpoint study #1: Padilha de Paula, Josiane., Gomes-Carneiro, Maria Regina., Paumgartten, Francisco J. R. Chemical composition, toxicity and mosquito repellency of Ocimum selloi oil. . journal of ethnopharmacology, 2003, vol. 88, no. 2-3, p. 253–260. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-8741(03)00233-2. [DOI link]
Endpoint study #2: Vigna1, Andrés., Valdez, Maríanoel., Pascale, Antonio., Moraes4, Mario., Borbonet5, Daniel., Laborde6, Amalia. Intoxicación por anís de campo (Ocimum selloi).: A propósito de un caso. archivos de pediatría del uruguay, 2015, vol. 86, no. 4, p. 300–303. .