Sweet woodruff (as plant) // Asperula odorata L. // Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.

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#1: Lucidin in roots #2: Anthraquinones in roots #3: Naphthalene derivatives in roots #4: p-coumaric acid in aerial parts #5: Rubiadin in roots #6: p-hydroxybenzoic acid in aerial parts #7: gallic acid in aerial parts #8: Indole alkaloids in aerial parts #9: Quinoline alkaloid in aerial parts #10: Quinolizidine alkaloid in aerial parts #11: Pyrrolidine and terpenoid alkaloids in aerial parts #12: Isopinocamphone in essential oil of aerial parts #13: Coumarin in herb #14: Coumarin in aerial parts (leafy shoots) #15: beta-thujone aerial parts #16: alpha-thujone aerial parts #17: camphor aerial parts #18: coumarin aerial parts #19: nonanal aerial parts #20: 1,8-cineole aerial parts #21: pulegone aerial parts
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #2: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #3: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #4: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #5: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #6: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #7: Burnett, Alan R., Thomson, Ronald H. Naturally occurring quinones. XIII. Anthraquinones and related naphthalenic compounds in Galium species and in Asperula odorata. journal of the chemical society [section] c: organic, 1968, vol. (7), p. 854–7. .
Composition #8: Nardin, Tiziana., Piasentier, Edi., Barnaba, Chiara., Larcher, Roberto. Alkaloid profiling of herbal drugs using high resolution mass spectrometry. drug testing and analysis, 2017, p. Ahead of Print. .
Composition #9: Nardin, Tiziana., Piasentier, Edi., Barnaba, Chiara., Larcher, Roberto. Alkaloid profiling of herbal drugs using high resolution mass spectrometry. drug testing and analysis, 2017, p. Ahead of Print. .
Composition #10: Nardin, Tiziana., Piasentier, Edi., Barnaba, Chiara., Larcher, Roberto. Alkaloid profiling of herbal drugs using high resolution mass spectrometry. drug testing and analysis, 2017, p. Ahead of Print. .
Composition #11: Nardin, Tiziana., Piasentier, Edi., Barnaba, Chiara., Larcher, Roberto. Alkaloid profiling of herbal drugs using high resolution mass spectrometry. drug testing and analysis, 2017, p. Ahead of Print. .
Composition #12: Baser, KHC., Ozek, T., Kirimer, N., Deliorman, D., Ergun, F. Composition of the essential oils of Galium aparine L. and Gallium odoratum (L.) Scop. from Turkey . journal of essential oil research, 2004, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 305–307. .
Composition #13: Rychlik, Michael. Quantification of free coumarin and its liberation from glucosylated precursors by stable isotope dilution assays based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric detection . journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2008, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 796–801. DOI: 10.1021/jf0728348. [DOI link]
Composition #14: Martin, B., Bodson, M., Baricevic, D., Novak, J., Pank, F. Investigation on the Morphological and Chemical Variability of Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.) in Southern Belgium . iv international symposium on breeding research on medicinal and aromatic plants - isbmap2009, 2010, vol. 860, p. 61–66. .
Composition #15: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #16: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #17: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #18: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #19: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #20: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]
Composition #21: WORNER, M., SCHREIER, P. THE COMPOSITION OF VOLATILES FROM WOODRUFF (GALIUM-ODORATUM L SCOP). zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung, 1991, vol. 193, no. 4, p. 317–320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01191626. [DOI link]