Endpoint study
#1: Arbo, Marcelo Dutra., Franco, Marcia Toniolo., Larentis, Elisa Rupp., Garcia, Solange Cristina., Sebben, Viviane Cristina., Leal, Mirna Bainy., Dallegrave, Eliane., Limberger, Renata Pereira. Screening for in vivo (anti)estrogenic activity of ephedrine and p-synephrine and their natural sources Ephedra sinica Stapf. (Ephedraceae) and Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) in rats . archives of toxicology, 2009, vol. 83, no. 1, p. 95–99. DOI: 10.1007/s00204-008-0324-8.
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