Aristolochia serpentaria L.

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#1: aristolactone in roots and rhizomes #2: aristolochic acid in roots and rhizomes #3: aristolochic acid I and II in unspecified plant part
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Coutts, R. T., Stenlake, J. B., Williams, W. D. The chemistry of the Aristolochia species. V. Comparative study of acidic and basic constituents of Aristolochia reticulata, Aristolochia serpentaria, Aristolochia longa, and Aristolochia indica. journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1959, vol. 11, p. 607–17. .
Composition #2: Coutts, R. T., Stenlake, J. B., Williams, W. D. The chemistry of the Aristolochia species. V. Comparative study of acidic and basic constituents of Aristolochia reticulata, Aristolochia serpentaria, Aristolochia longa, and Aristolochia indica. journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1959, vol. 11, p. 607–17. .
Composition #3: Heinrich, Michael., Chan, Jennifer., Wanke, Stefan., Neinhuis, Christoph., Simmonds, Monique S. J. Local uses of Aristolochia species and content of nephrotoxic aristolochic acid 1 and 2-A global assessment based on bibliographic sources . journal of ethnopharmacology, 2009, vol. 125, no. 1, p. 108–144. DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.05.028. [DOI link]