Quince (as plant) // Cydonia oblonga Mill. // Cydonia oblonga P.Miller

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#1: Tannins #2: Lignans #3: Isoflavones #4: Benzaldehyde
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Polonia, J. Barros. Cydonia oblonga. Botanical, chemical, and pharmacodynamic study of the leaves. anais fac. farm. porto, 1957, p. 5–123. .
Composition #2: Kuhnle, Gunter G. C., Dell'Aquila, Caterina., Aspinall, Sue M., Runswick, Shirley A., Joosen, Annemiek M. C. P., Mulligan, Angela A., Bingham, Sheila A. Phytoestrogen content of fruits and vegetables commonly consumed in the UK based on LC-​MS and 13C-​labelled standards. Food Chemistry, 2009, p. 542–554. .
Composition #3: Kuhnle, Gunter G. C., Dell'Aquila, Caterina., Aspinall, Sue M., Runswick, Shirley A., Joosen, Annemiek M. C. P., Mulligan, Angela A., Bingham, Sheila A. Phytoestrogen content of fruits and vegetables commonly consumed in the UK based on LC-​MS and 13C-​labelled standards. Food Chemistry, 2009, p. 542–554. .
Composition #4: Erdogan, T., Gonenc, T., Hortoglu, Z. S., Demirci, B., Baser, K. H. C., Kivcak, B. Chemical composition of the essential oil of quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) leaves. medicinal aromatic plants, 2012, p. 1000e134/1–1000e134/3. .