Stachys recta L.

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#1: Alkaloids #2: Saponins #3: Coumaric acid #4: Eugenol
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Dionis'ev, D. E., Chernomaz, E. E. Investigation of the origin of poison in some wild plants. uchenye zapiski rostov. na/donu gosudarst. univ. im. molotova, 1938, p. 66–79. .
Composition #2: Dionis'ev, D. E., Chernomaz, E. E. Investigation of the origin of poison in some wild plants. uchenye zapiski rostov. na/donu gosudarst. univ. im. molotova, 1938, p. 66–79. .
Composition #3: Buchwald, W., Czapska, A. Tannins and phenolic acids in herb of domestic species of Betonica L. and Stachys L. genera. herba polonica, 1995, p. 198–202. .
Composition #4: Chalchat, JC., Petrovic, SD., Maksimovic, ZA., Gorunovic, MS. Essential oil of the herb of Stachys recta L., Lamiaceae from Serbia. JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, 2000, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 455–458. .