Sorghum, sweet (as plant) // Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

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#1: Phytic acid #2: Tannins #3: Hydrocyanic acid in seeds #4: cyanogenic glycosides (plant part unspecified) #5: Tannins in seeds #6: Coumarins in the seed #7: Alkaloids in the seed #8: Dhurrin in fresh stems #9: Dhurrin in dry stems #10: Dhurrin in fresh leaves #11: Dhurrin in dry leaves
Endpoint Studies
#1: cyanide toxicity in cattle #2: cyanide toxicity in horses #3: cyanide toxicity in goats
Composition #1: Sarwar Gilani, G., Xiao, Chao Wu., Cockell, Kevin A. Impact of Antinutritional Factors in Food Proteins on the Digestibility of Protein and the Bioavailability of Amino Acids and on Protein Quality. british journal of nutrition, 2012, p. S315–S332. .
Composition #2: Sarwar Gilani, G., Xiao, Chao Wu., Cockell, Kevin A. Impact of Antinutritional Factors in Food Proteins on the Digestibility of Protein and the Bioavailability of Amino Acids and on Protein Quality. british journal of nutrition, 2012, p. S315–S332. .
Composition #3: Sher, Ahmad., Ansar, Muhammad., Fayyaz-ul-Hassan., Shabbir, Ghulam., Malik, Muhammad Azim. Hydrocyanic acid content variation amongst sorghum cultivars grown with varying seed rates and nitrogen levels. international journal of agriculture and biology, 2012, p. 720–726. .
Composition #4: Cho, Hye-Jeon., Do, Byung-Kyung., Shim, Soon-Mi., Kwon, Hoonjeong., Lee, Dong-Ha., Nah, Ahn-Hee., Choi, Youn-Ju., Lee, Sook-Yeon. Determination of cyanogenic compunds in edible plants by ion chromatography. toxicological research (seoul, republic of korea), 2013, p. 143–147. .
Composition #5: Gupta, A., Sharma, S., Verma, H.K., Tyagi, D.S., Mishra, P.K., Patra, P.K. Phytochemical characterization of twelve medicinal plants used for sickle cell disease management in chhattisgarh. international journal of pharma and bio sciences, 2015, vol. 6, no. 2, p. B1062–B1070. .
Composition #6: Gupta, A., Sharma, S., Verma, H.K., Tyagi, D.S., Mishra, P.K., Patra, P.K. Phytochemical characterization of twelve medicinal plants used for sickle cell disease management in chhattisgarh. international journal of pharma and bio sciences, 2015, vol. 6, no. 2, p. B1062–B1070. .
Composition #7: Gupta, A., Sharma, S., Verma, H.K., Tyagi, D.S., Mishra, P.K., Patra, P.K. Phytochemical characterization of twelve medicinal plants used for sickle cell disease management in chhattisgarh. international journal of pharma and bio sciences, 2015, vol. 6, no. 2, p. B1062–B1070. .
Composition #8: Gleadow, R. M., Ottman, M. J., Kimball, B. A., Wall, G. W., Pinter, P. J., Jr., LaMorte, R. L., Leavitt, S. W. Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and sterns of sorghum grown at elevated CO2 are age dependent . field crops research, 2016, vol. 185, p. 97–102. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.10.010. [DOI link]
Composition #9: Gleadow, R. M., Ottman, M. J., Kimball, B. A., Wall, G. W., Pinter, P. J., Jr., LaMorte, R. L., Leavitt, S. W. Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and sterns of sorghum grown at elevated CO2 are age dependent . field crops research, 2016, vol. 185, p. 97–102. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.10.010. [DOI link]
Composition #10: Gleadow, R. M., Ottman, M. J., Kimball, B. A., Wall, G. W., Pinter, P. J., Jr., LaMorte, R. L., Leavitt, S. W. Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and sterns of sorghum grown at elevated CO2 are age dependent . field crops research, 2016, vol. 185, p. 97–102. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.10.010. [DOI link]
Composition #11: Gleadow, R. M., Ottman, M. J., Kimball, B. A., Wall, G. W., Pinter, P. J., Jr., LaMorte, R. L., Leavitt, S. W. Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and sterns of sorghum grown at elevated CO2 are age dependent . field crops research, 2016, vol. 185, p. 97–102. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.10.010. [DOI link]
Endpoint study #1: Lopes Camara, Antonio Carlos., Dalcin, Luciana., Soto-Blanco, Benito. Pathogenesis, clinical signs and epidemiology of the poisoning by cyanogenic plants in the Brazilian northwest . semina-ciencias agrarias, 2014, vol. 35, no. 4, p. 1961–1971. DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2014v35n4p1961. [DOI link]
Endpoint study #2: Lopes Camara, Antonio Carlos., Dalcin, Luciana., Soto-Blanco, Benito. Pathogenesis, clinical signs and epidemiology of the poisoning by cyanogenic plants in the Brazilian northwest . semina-ciencias agrarias, 2014, vol. 35, no. 4, p. 1961–1971. DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2014v35n4p1961. [DOI link]
Endpoint study #3: Lopes Camara, Antonio Carlos., Dalcin, Luciana., Soto-Blanco, Benito. Pathogenesis, clinical signs and epidemiology of the poisoning by cyanogenic plants in the Brazilian northwest . semina-ciencias agrarias, 2014, vol. 35, no. 4, p. 1961–1971. DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2014v35n4p1961. [DOI link]