Rumex confertus Willd.

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#1: Anthracene derivatives in roots #2: tannins in leaves #3: Tannins in stem #4: Tannins in roots #5: Tannins in roots #6: tris(hydroxymethyl) antraquinone in root #7: Emodin in root #8: Nepodin in roots #9: Condensed tannins (catechin and leucocyanidin types ) in roots #10: Anthraquinones #11: Tannins #12: Anthraquinones in roots #13: Torachrysone 8-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (naphtalene derivative) in roots
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Kurkin, V. A., Zaitseva, N. V., Avdeyeva, E. V. DETERMINATION OF ANTHRACENE DERIVATIVES IN THE HORSE SORREL (Rumex confertus) ROOTS . farmatsiya (moscow), 2013, no. 1, p. 8–10. .
Composition #2: Khazanovich, R. L. Examination of horse sorrel, Rumex confertus Willd: chemical analysis. farmatsiya (moscow, 1938-47), 1940, p. 24–28. .
Composition #3: Khazanovich, R. L. Examination of horse sorrel, Rumex confertus Willd: chemical analysis. farmatsiya (moscow, 1938-47), 1940, p. 24–28. .
Composition #4: Khazanovich, R. L. Examination of horse sorrel, Rumex confertus Willd: chemical analysis. farmatsiya (moscow, 1938-47), 1940, p. 24–28. .
Composition #5: Plakhova, N. B. Comparative effects of tannins from Siberian plants on bacteria of the dysentery group. farmakologiya i toksikologiya (moscow), 1954, p. 39–42. .
Composition #6: Chumbalov, T. K., Taraskina, K. V. Pigments of Rumex tianscha and Rumex confertus. izvestiya akademii nauk kazakhskoi ssr, seriya khimicheskaya, 1956, p. 61–71. .
Composition #7: Chumbalov, T. K., Taraskina, K. V. Pigments of Rumex tianscha and Rumex confertus. izvestiya akademii nauk kazakhskoi ssr, seriya khimicheskaya, 1956, p. 61–71. .
Composition #8: Chumbalov, T. K., Taraskina, K. V. Pigments of Rumex tianscha and Rumex confertus. izvestiya akademii nauk kazakhskoi ssr, seriya khimicheskaya, 1956, p. 61–71. .
Composition #9: Chumbalov, T. K., Mukhamed'yarova, M. M. Chemical composition of Rumex confertus. sb. rabot kafedry organ. khim. po izuch. khim. sostava rast. syr'ya, kazakhsk. univ., alma-ata, 1962, p. 51–59. .
Composition #10: Tynybekov, B.M., Litvinenko, Y.A., Mukanova, G.A., Satybaldiyeva, G.K., Baimurzayev, N.B., Ablaikhanova, N.T., Kuatbayev, A.T., Sharakhmetov, S.E. Phytochemical investigation of the roots of Rumex confertus W. grown in the culture. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2013, vol. 26, no. 7, p. 941–944. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.26.07.13526. [DOI link]
Composition #11: Tynybekov, B.M., Litvinenko, Y.A., Mukanova, G.A., Satybaldiyeva, G.K., Baimurzayev, N.B., Ablaikhanova, N.T., Kuatbayev, A.T., Sharakhmetov, S.E. Phytochemical investigation of the roots of Rumex confertus W. grown in the culture. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2013, vol. 26, no. 7, p. 941–944. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.26.07.13526. [DOI link]
Composition #12: Kurkin, V. A., Zaitseva, N. V., Avdeeva, E. V., Daeva, E. D., Kadentsev, V. I. Anthraquinones and naphthalene derivatives of Rumex confertus. CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2013, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 135–136. DOI: 10.1007/s10600-013-0533-0. [DOI link]
Composition #13: Kurkin, V. A., Zaitseva, N. V., Avdeeva, E. V., Daeva, E. D., Kadentsev, V. I. Anthraquinones and naphthalene derivatives of Rumex confertus. CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2013, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 135–136. DOI: 10.1007/s10600-013-0533-0. [DOI link]