Composition #1: Gairola, S., Gupta, V., Bansal, P., Singh, R., Maithani, M. Herbal antitussives and expectorants - A review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2010, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 5–9. .
Plant part:
Roots and other underground parts (as part-nature) (A067M)
Additional extraction description:
Triterpene saponins Triterpene saponins (RF-00004338-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Unspecified (F598A)
Yes/No Qualitative:
Positive/Present (POS)
Result type:
Qualitative Value (Binary) (BIN)
Internal remarks:
Triterpene saponins
the article is review therefore it extracts information from other article
Pulliah T, Encyclopedia of world medicinal plant, Vol 4, Regency publication, New Delhi, 1999, pp.36.