Nepeta nuda L.

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#1: Podophyllotoxin (lignan) in aerial parts #2: 1,8-cineole in the aerial part before blooming stage #3: 1,8-cineole in the aerial part during blooming stage. #4: 1,8-cineole #5: 1,8-cineole in the aerial part #6: Camphor in essential oil
Endpoint Studies
Composition #1: Konuklugil, Belma. Investigation of podophyllotoxin in some plants in Lamiaceae using HPLC. ankara universitesi eczacilik fakultesi dergisi, 1996, p. 23–27. .
Composition #2: Chalchat, Jean-Claude., Petrovic, S. D., Gorunovic, M. S. Quantity and composition of essential oil of the wild plant Nepeta nuda L. from Yugoslavia. journal of essential oil research, 1998, p. 423–425. .
Composition #3: Chalchat, Jean-Claude., Petrovic, S. D., Gorunovic, M. S. Quantity and composition of essential oil of the wild plant Nepeta nuda L. from Yugoslavia. journal of essential oil research, 1998, p. 423–425. .
Composition #4: Sarer, E., Konuklugil, B. Composition of the essential oil from Nepeta nuda ssp. albiflora (Boiss.) Gams. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 1996, vol. 8, no. 6, p. 687–688. .
Composition #5: Kilic, Omer., Hayta, Sukru., Bagci, Eyup. Chemical Composition of Essential Oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp nuda (Lamiaceae) from Turkey . asian journal of chemistry, 2011, vol. 23, no. 6, p. 2788–2790. .
Composition #6: Kilic, Omer., Hayta, Sukru., Bagci, Eyup. Chemical Composition of Essential Oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp nuda (Lamiaceae) from Turkey . asian journal of chemistry, 2011, vol. 23, no. 6, p. 2788–2790. .