Composition #1: Martos, Florent., Cariou, Marie-Louise., Pailler, Thierry., Fournel, Jacques., Bytebier, Benny., Johnson, Steven D. Chemical and morphological filters in a specialized floral mimicry system. New Phytologist, 2015, p. 225–234. .
Plant part:
Flower (as part-nature) (A067B)
Camphor (RF-00003986-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Gaschromatography (GC) (F037A)
Analytical method - additional description:
Dynamic head- space method of directly sampling volatiles from flowers
Result unit:
Percent (G138A)
Result type:
Numerical Value (VAL)
Value (concentration, content):
Internal remarks:
Composition #2: Martos, Florent., Cariou, Marie-Louise., Pailler, Thierry., Fournel, Jacques., Bytebier, Benny., Johnson, Steven D. Chemical and morphological filters in a specialized floral mimicry system. New Phytologist, 2015, p. 225–234. .
Plant part:
Flower (as part-nature) (A067B)
myrcene (RF-00003503-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Gaschromatography (GC) (F037A)
Analytical method - additional description:
Dynamic head- space method of directly sampling volatiles from flowers
Result unit:
Percent (G138A)
Result type:
Numerical Value (VAL)
Value (concentration, content):
Internal remarks: