Composition #5: Watson, T. R., Wright, S. E. Cardiac glycosides of Gomphocarpus fruticosus. I. Afroside. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1956, p. 497–511. .
Plant part:
Live plants (as part-nature) (A0BA0)
Extraction/Preparation method:
Solvent extraction (A0BZR)
Additional extraction description:
petroleum ether/methanol
Afroside (RF-00011130-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Physical tests (F006A)
Analytical method - additional description:
melting point, optical rotations, IR
Yes/No Qualitative:
Positive/Present (POS)
Result type:
Qualitative Value (Binary) (BIN)
Internal remarks:
afroside (cardenolides)
Composition #6: Cheung, H. T. Andrew., Chiu, Frances C. K., Watson, Thomas R., Wells, Robert J. Cardenolide glycosides of the Asclepiadaceae. New glycosides from Asclepias fruticosa and the stereochemistry of uscharin, voruscharin, and calotoxin. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, None, p. 2827–2835. .
Plant part:
Aerial part of plants (as part-nature) (A166F)
Extraction/Preparation method:
Solvent extraction (A0BZR)
Additional extraction description:
light petroleum/chloroform/methanol
cardenolide glycosides cardenolide glycosides (RF-00004348-PAR)
Analytical method code:
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (F061A)
Analytical method - additional description:
melting point, NMR, GC-MS
Yes/No Qualitative:
Positive/Present (POS)
Result type:
Qualitative Value (Binary) (BIN)
Internal remarks:
Cardenolide glycosides