Composition #1: Vasconcellos, Marne C., Moura, Dinara J., Rosa, Renato M., Machado, Miriana S., Guecheva, Temenouga N., Villela, Izabel., Immich, Bruna F., Montenegro, Raquel C., Fonseca, Aluisio M., Lemos, Telma L. G., Moraes, Maria Elisabete A., Saffi, Jenifer., Costa-Lotufo, Leticia V., Moraes, Manoel O., Henriques, Joao A. P. Evaluation of the cytotoxic and antimutagenic effects of biflorin, an antitumor 1,4 o-naphthoquinone isolated from Capraria biflora L. ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2010, vol. 84, no. 10, p. 799–810. DOI: 10.1007/s00204-010-0567-z.
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